Beazley launches digital division

Beazley launches digital division

Specialist insurer Beazley has launched its digital trading division, Beazley Digital, to transform digital access for its global broking partners.

vLEI: Accelerate Innovation by Enabling Trusted Digital Identity using Verifiable Credentials

Digital innovations are rapidly redefining how businesses connect online. With formal transactions now taking place through our laptops and mobile devices, a solution is needed that can deliver the same levels of trust and confidence as a physical signature or handshake. Without this, businesses will continue to struggle to formally identify and authenticate the individuals and companies they are doing business with.

The verifiable LEI (vLEI) answers this need. It enables instant and automated business verification for all legal entities and their official representatives and interoperates seamlessly and securely with all technology models.

An early example of the vLEI is accelerating innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. PharmaLedger is a project which brings together 12 global pharmaceutical companies and 17 public and private entities to support the adoption of blockchain-enabled healthcare solutions. It is leveraging the vLEI as a critical component within the platform to establish trust in real-time between participants.

This promises to vastly increase the operational efficiency of the global healthcare system and facilitate the digital exchange of data and documentation across a number of use cases, including patient health, clinical drug trials and supply chain partnerships.

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Beazley Insurance Innovation Case Study with Ninety Consulting

Paul Willoughby, Head of IT Strategy, Innovation and Architecture at Beazley, and the Ninety Consulting team talk about our engagement to develop innovative insurance propositions.

Ninety Consulting innovate for the global insurance sector and help it become better at innovation.
We run a process that creates and evaluates insurance ideas quickly, safely and inexpensively – our 123 Framework™.

Our experience of working with hundreds of insurance ideas helps with initial filtering, then we put customers in the room with you, and determine whether ideas are truly 1) desirable, 2) feasible, and 3) viable.

We then take the good ideas to the testable prototype stage, using our insurance-specialist Experiments Workbench™ to safely & quickly test all assumptions and, depending on what customer research results we get, on to a transactional market pilot in 60 days.

Throughout, Ninety supports the creation of innovation culture in insurance carriers by establishing an innovation strategy, enabling innovative leaders, enhancing employees’ work with the right tools, and then embedding forward-thinking behaviors.

Ninety Consulting:

BEN SPENCER | Group CIO, Beazley

Group CIO of Beazley Ben Spencer caught up with us ahead of his keynote at our FS Summit.

Beazley – Spotlight on technology risk

Just how resilient do executives feel to technology risks? While some have embraced the changes brought about by the pandemic, others feel considerably more vulnerable. We took a deeper look – focusing specifically on cyber, disruption, online intellectual property risk, and the tech risk of failing to keep pace with technological developments, to understand how resilient business leaders are feeling now, and how they expect the outlook to change over the coming twelve months.

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